These books will open up the mind's eye. New worlds, new adventures, realms beyond imagination. The world beyond worlds within every book that will pull you in and become the characters.
A person must be careful when they tread in the darkness. A person’s wings of power could turn into the wings of shadows. The temptation to look through the looking glass of stone might show you an illusion of reality. For what is real? What is reality? Life itself will only show a person a tease of what the future holds.

Xenophobe Resurrection Price: $10.99
ISBN 978-0-359-63600-6
There are many dark secrets hidden in the universe. Worlds being devoured by an unknown beast. Demonic creatures staring back at its next meal. Death stalked its prey dragging a serpent’s tail and glaring with satanic eyes. An army of darkness desire to feast upon your flesh and devour your innocent soul.
Orbiting this forgotten tenement of clay is a small science ship with its own personal hell. Dr. Sherry Lee, a twenty-five-year-old Asian female, in her long white lab coat, ran franticly down the dark corridor toward the ship’s bridge. Not long before, she was grabbing a nightcap with some friends in the ship’s galley. Sherry had planned to get some rest that night, but things didn’t go as she planned. Reality had become fantasy and she was tossed into a living nightmare.

The Story of Kaylona Price: $9.99
ISBN 978-1-387-97295-1
The first contact of alien life. What do they want? Why are they here? Visitors from another world can be exciting. The unknown can be seen, the plot discovered. Who are these new neighbors? Seen through the eyes of a twelve-year-old curious girl, wondering if they come in peace or war.

Journey into Limbo Price: $11.99
ISBN 978-1-716-79819-1
War and chaos raged on the big screen in front of Tim. The news had nothing but constant wars, terror attacks, plus it seemed everyone was at each other’s throat. Tim sat there feeling anxious, hard to breathe, feeling the world around him closing in. His mind smashing against his skull to escape this torment and run away as fast as it could.
Beware of the pathways we take, for no one truly knows where the path will take you. Humanity is the artist if life and death. With just a twist of its hand beauty beyond beauty. The mighty grip of the other hand destroys all that you will ever love. We are all life and death rolled up in one.

Blueridge Dragon Horror Stories
Price: $7.99
ISBN 978-0-359-96374-4
A person must be careful when they tread in the darkness. A person’s wings of power could turn into the wings of shadows. The temptation to look through the looking glass of stone might show you an illusion of reality. For what is real? What is reality? Life itself will only show a person a tease of what the future holds.
The pathways we as humans should have taken will only hold you back and anchor the foundation of our first step to the past. In the past, we will forever be trapped in the cycle of life and death.